Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Top 15 Sexiest Men of 2006

15 of the hottest men (IMO) that ever laid on my eyes this year.Damon is the cutest Fratmen to debut this year. He looks Filipino though.Brat Virata is a contestant from the "Survivor: Cook Islands" series. He's Filipino-American, unfortunately he was eliminated early in the game.Sean Patrick is a model and is the beefiest ever to appear on Playgirl.Theodor appears courtesy of Bel-Ami. He's got a body (and a cock!) to die for...Playgirl's Hot Young Hunk around mid-90's. Though I discovered him just last September.Gyminstructr is from guys4men. I only corresponded with him once prior to this Top 15 listing asking for permission to his entry. He's such a cutie!Recently appeared on this year's Cosmo 69 Bachelors spread, he works as a medical representative.The men of our lives! LOLz More power (and videos!) to the Men of Provoq!The hottest French rugby player out there, well for me that is!This Latino lovers just can't get enough of themselves. Here's hoping for another round of videos of them!Marco Dapper debuted at the first American gay sequel, "Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds".One of the cutest guys All-American Guys offered this year, Judson hails from Wisconsin and is only 19 years old.2nd-place to this year's Mossimo Bikini Summit. He has taken my breath from the first time I saw his picture on the internet.My ultimate Pinoy Hunk. Recently appeared on the virgin issue of Red Hot Magazine. He's also the titleholder of the 1998 Maharlikang Pilipino.Playgirl's Man of the Year for 2006. The sexiest man alive!

Gay Truckers and Their Admirers©

Truckers have had admirers since the first big rig rolled out the door many years ago. Yes, truckers move America’s freight, but that’s what they do, and have been and will continue to do so as long as there’s fuel to put in the truck so it can run. Not all truckers are gay, as a matter of fact, gay truckers are a small minority in the trucking industry. The majority, however, are the guys that have ‘sex on the road.’ As long as the big burly trucker hunts for the action, willfully, there will be admirers in every rest area, truck stop, warehouse or any place a trucker can take a break or kill time to catch up with his log book.

Take your damn hat off

This is well off the usual subjects of guns, politics and survival; however it something that I feel just as passionate about as I do for the aforementioned topics. The subject of today's little screed is manners, or more accurately the deplorable lack thereof amongst my generation, the kids currently in college, and those little bastards in high school.My father was old school when it came to manners; I was raised in the school of "No elbows on the table-take your hat off indoors-get the door for others (especially ladies)-yes-sir-no-sir-three-bags-full-sir". I have tried to continue in that vein in my own adulthood, and although I sometimes forget to get the car door for the lovely Mrs. Ahab; you will never see me with a cover on indoors, especially in a restaurant. There are a lot of little things that I wonder how and why we stopped doing them, but my real hot buttons are as follows.HatsTAKE. YOUR. GODDAMN. HAT. OFF. You are indoors; you are in a damn restaurant, you take your bloody hat right off. I don't care how freakin' cool you are with your silly-ass pre-faded Abercrombie hat, take the damn thing off. For whatever reason, this pisses me off to such a degree that I literally want to knock the covers off of people's heads when I see them in restaurants.I would amend the rule to say that if you're in an indoor mall; you don't need to remove your cover. Hell, I'd be happy if I could get people to just do it in restaurants, church, and meetings. Or my house.DoorsFor whatever reason, this isn't as big a hot button for me as hats, but it still bugs me. If you get to the door first, pull it open for the person behind you. Man, woman, child, just open the door. It's polite. If the person is A)a lady, B)elderly, or C)struggling with packages/gear you had better open that door for them.If you're married/dating, you should open EVERY DOOR for your wife. Even I'm not perfect in this category, however I have witnessed "young gentlemen" dash into stores to escape the cold while their lady has to pull the door open herself. Not appropriate.Table mannersKeeping your elbows off the table is pretty easy, what really bugs me is when I eat with people that do one of two things. Either they don't know how to hold their fork correctly; rather they grip it in their fist like a child, or they lean their mouths down to the plate and shovel food into their gaping pie-holes like some sort of cavemen. Sit up straight, hold your fork correctly, chew with your mouth closed, and don't you dare talk with your mouth full.A way to have to fun with this? I refuse to respond to people that talk to me with their mouths full.National AnthemBack in June (or July), I went to a baseball game in one of the western states. When the National Anthem was sung, most of the people stood up, most of those people took their hats off, and a few of those people actually put their hands over their hearts. Good for them. For the rest of you people, even if you're standing in the concession line waiting for your hot dog, stop talking, remove your cover, and place your hand on your heart. I don't care if you hold up the entire line because you're standing stock still and silent during the song. It's not that long, you can do it.I could go on and on about little things that upset me, however the stuff I've listed above are really the hot keys. These should be things that anyone who dares to call themselves an adult should do all the time. I won't even mention saying "please" and "thank you", because any human being should do that.The other reason for writing this post was to hold myself accountable to my standards. The Kind and Beautiful Mrs. Ahab reads my blog, and I have no doubt that if I fall short in any of the above categories, I will be rightfully taken to task for so doing.One last thought directly primarily at the 17-20ish audience. If you do not currently open doors for ladies, try it with your mom the next time you have a chance. You might want to have a plan in place for when she faints over dead from shock, though.What Would John Wayne Do? He'd open the door for someone else, and he'd take his hat off indoors.

Tornadoes and hummingbirds

Friday was a terrifying day. Today was quite the opposite. On Friday we were tormented by tornadoes, which left 13 people dead in my town and surrounding area, and destroyed countless homes and businesses. Today is a picture-perfect spring day, and I saw my first hummingbird of the season. Funny how so much can change in such a short time.It's hard to imagine that life as we know it can be gone in an instant, but nature shows us that all the time. Out of nowhere there are violent occurrences -- earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes -- that prove to us that life is fragile, and possessions are virtually meaningless. What good does it do to own a million dollar home if a tornado finds it? Ask people from New Orleans how much possessions actually matter when you're faced with leaving it behind or losing your life.Then again, there are these little hummingbirds, that seem to have no mission in life other than to eat and be miraculous-looking. How do they hover in midair like that, sipping nectar? I know the mechanics of it, but why are there creatures like that that need to eat so much because they use up so much energy just getting the food?Why did the hail that pounded my house on Friday knock holes in a plastic bin on my deck, but didn't dent my car, which was parked out in the driveway? How did I get so fortunate as to have a neighbor I've met only a few times call me from her office on the other side of town to warn me to get down in the basement before the storm hit? And then, later, her daughter called to check on me. What's up with that?I'm exhausted today, and won't write much more. Just wanted to put those thoughts out there and get them out of my head. I'm hoping to sit here and see more of my beautiful visitors partake of the nectar buffet we've laid out for the, eagerly awaiting their arrival.April 7 -- my precious niece's birthday, and the day Goodlettsville, Hendersonville and Gallatin were partially demolished. April 10 -- the day the hummingbirds came back.Peace,WIP